Track Titles

Titles must be accurate and formatted correctly.


Additional Information. Titles must not include additional information unless it is needed to identify the content.


New York Eye & Ear ControlNew York Eye & Ear Control (1964) Includes release date
Dawns Welcome to the Club (feat. Ricky J)Dawns Welcome to the Club - Album (feat. Ricky J)Includes “Album”
I'll Be Walking Alone in a Crowd12. I'll Be Walking Alone in a CrowdIncludes track number
Campus Girl - SingleCampus Girl (Produced By T.J. Douglas) - SingleIncludes additional information at the album level
ShadowShadow - Rock Top 40 Indie PopIncludes search terms
Draw the LineAerosmith - Draw the LineIncludes artist information



Silent, Hidden, and Ghost Tracks. Silent, hidden, and ghost tracks must be clearly labeled in the track title.

Silent TrackOutro (Silent Track)
Hidden TrackA Rockin' Good Way (feat. Maceo Parker) [Hidden Track]
Ghost TrackOpen My Eyes (Ghost Track)

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